Internship at Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD)

Internship Experience at Pakistan Meteorological Department: Learning About GLOFs and Stream Networks

In summer 2023, I had the incredible opportunity to intern at the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), a place where I was immersed in the world of climate science, hydrology, and geographic information systems (GIS). One of the most fascinating areas we delved into was GLOFs—Glacial Lake Outburst Floods—and the intricate processes involved in digitizing data for better analysis and preparedness. At the heart of our internship was the task of understanding how GLOFs occur and the catastrophic effects they can have, especially in the northern regions of Pakistan where glaciers and glacial lakes are abundant. We learned how GLOFs are triggered by the melting of glaciers due to rising temperatures, and how these sudden floods can destroy infrastructure, displace communities, and significantly alter the landscape. Our role as interns was to help in the ongoing work to map and identify these vulnerable areas so that proper measures could be taken to predict and prevent future disasters.

Digitizing was another crucial skill we gained during our time at PMD. We worked on converting physical maps into digital formats, making it easier to analyze large datasets and model potential flood risks. I was particularly involved in calculating stream networks, an essential part of understanding how water flows through a landscape, and how rivers and streams are interconnected. This process required precision and attention to detail, as every stream mapped contributed to a larger picture of the region’s hydrology. One of the highlights of my internship was working on identifying all the lakes in the northern part of Pakistan. Using satellite imagery and GIS tools, we mapped out glacial lakes that could pose a risk for GLOFs. This work was not only intellectually rewarding but also deeply personal for me, knowing that our efforts could help mitigate future disasters and protect communities living in these vulnerable areas.

Overall, my time at PMD was an eye-opening experience. It not only expanded my technical skills but also deepened my understanding of the environmental challenges facing our country. The knowledge I gained about GLOFs, stream networks, and GIS mapping will stay with me, and I’m proud to have contributed, even in a small way, to the important work being done at PMD.


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