From Organizing Open House for My Seniors to Finally Attending My Own at IST

 Title: From Organizing Open House for My Seniors to Finally Attending My Own at IST

There’s something surreal about life coming full circle, and that’s exactly how I feel as I look back on my journey at the Institute of Space Technology (IST). Years ago, as a wide-eyed student, I had the honor of organizing the Open House for my seniors—a day where they presented their final projects, showcasing years of hard work and dedication. I remember the excitement in the air, the buzz of anticipation, and the awe I felt seeing the incredible achievements of those who were about to graduate. Little did I know that one day, I’d be in their shoes, preparing for my own Open House. When I helped organize the event, I was filled with admiration for my seniors. To me, they were trailblazers, standing at the edge of a new chapter in their lives, ready to take on the world. It felt like such a distant reality, one that seemed far out of reach at the time. I poured my energy into making that event perfect, not just for them, but also because I wanted to learn from their journey and, in a way, prepare myself for when my turn would come.

And now, that day has arrived.

Attending my own Open House feels like a dream come true, but it also feels like an emotional closing of a chapter. This time, I’m not behind the scenes, organizing or assisting. I’m the one presenting, standing at the culmination of years of hard work, sleepless nights, and countless challenges. This time, it’s my projects on display, my journey that others will be looking up to. As I stand here, presenting what I’ve accomplished over the years, I can’t help but think about that younger version of myself who once stood on the sidelines. If only I could tell that version of me how much they would grow, learn, and achieve in the years ahead. Being a part of IST has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life, and this Open House marks not only the end of an era but the beginning of a new one. I am filled with pride, gratitude, and excitement for what lies ahead. From organizing the Open House for my seniors to attending my own—it’s been a full-circle moment, one that I will cherish forever.


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