
Internship at Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD)

Internship Experience at Pakistan Meteorological Department: Learning About GLOFs and Stream Networks In summer 2023, I had the incredible opportunity to intern at the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), a place where I was immersed in the world of climate science, hydrology, and geographic information systems (GIS). One of the most fascinating areas we delved into was GLOFs—Glacial Lake Outburst Floods—and the intricate processes involved in digitizing data for better analysis and preparedness. At the heart of our internship was the task of understanding how GLOFs occur and the catastrophic effects they can have, especially in the northern regions of Pakistan where glaciers and glacial lakes are abundant. We learned how GLOFs are triggered by the melting of glaciers due to rising temperatures, and how these sudden floods can destroy infrastructure, displace communities, and significantly alter the landscape. Our role as interns was to help in the ongoing work to map and identify

Internship at the National Center of GIS and Space Applications (NCGSA)

My Internship at the National Center of GIS and Space Applications  In 2022, I had the privilege of interning at the National Center of GIS and Space Applications (NCGSA) at IST, where I worked alongside a group of incredibly talented individuals on content writing and research. The experience was enriching, allowing me to explore different facets of space science while contributing to something meaningful. One of the highlights of my internship was the creation of activity guidebooks for children who participated in "Space Week." Space Week holds a special place in my heart because it was during this very event in 2018 that I was first introduced to the field of space science. As a wide-eyed participant back then, I had no idea that Space Week would eventually lead me down the path of pursuing a degree in Space Science at IST. That’s why, when I got the chance to contribute to Space Week as part of my internship, it felt like life had come full circle. Our task was to create

From Organizing Open House for My Seniors to Finally Attending My Own at IST

  Title: From Organizing Open House for My Seniors to Finally Attending My Own at IST There’s something surreal about life coming full circle, and that’s exactly how I feel as I look back on my journey at the Institute of Space Technology (IST). Years ago, as a wide-eyed student, I had the honor of organizing the Open House for my seniors—a day where they presented their final projects, showcasing years of hard work and dedication. I remember the excitement in the air, the buzz of anticipation, and the awe I felt seeing the incredible achievements of those who were about to graduate. Little did I know that one day, I’d be in their shoes, preparing for my own Open House. When I helped organize the event, I was filled with admiration for my seniors. To me, they were trailblazers, standing at the edge of a new chapter in their lives, ready to take on the world. It felt like such a distant reality, one that seemed far out of reach at the time. I poured my energy into making that event perf

Space Summer School 2018

My First Visit to the Institute of Space Technology: Space Summer School 2018 As I sit here, looking at a picture of my first-ever visit to the Institute of Space Technology (IST), a flood of emotions rushes through me. It feels like a lifetime ago when I first walked through those gates for the Space Summer School, just after completing my matriculation. Back then, it was simply an exciting opportunity to dive into my curiosity about space and science. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that one day I would return to this very place as a graduate, holding a Bachelor's degree in Space Science, with my convocation only a week away. I still vividly remember that summer school—the wonder of stepping into IST for the first time, surrounded by other students who shared the same passion for space exploration. I felt like I was part of something much bigger than myself. The lectures, the hands-on activities, the chance to meet real scientists—it all made me dream of being part of this